Bloom Enterprise: ID Card Reader Integration

This enhanced feature is designed to simplify access and streamline user identification processes within the platform.

What does ID Card Integration bring to Bloom Enterprise?

  • Streamlined access: Link user IDs directly to the system
  • Swifter verification: Secure user identification and other information 
  • Flexible configuration: Integrate the feature globally, locally, per device, or per service, with the option to make it mandatory or optional

How does it work in each location?

This feature simplifies operations and enhances the visitor experience by streamlining interactions and enabling faster collection of visitor information, supporting processes like user verification.

Select a service
The visitor selects a service using an assigned form.

Insert the card
The insert card message is displayed. 
Visitors can skip this step and insert the data manually.

Card detected
The system confirms the card detection. Visitors must click ‘next’ to proceed.

Data confirmation
The data collected from the card is displayed. The visitor can confirm or correct the information.

Ticket printing
The ticket is printed and a thank you message is displayed (optional).

This update is ideal for organisations looking to provide a more seamless experience for both users and administrators.
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